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[MLBB] Latest Upcoming Fighter Hero; The Buoyant Performer, Cici!

[MLBB] Latest Upcoming Fighter Hero Mobile Legend The Buoyant Performer, Cici

Please Do Note This Hero Currently Unavailable on The Official Server, All Skills and Description Are Based on Adv Server 1.8.28

Cici Passive & Skills
Cici's stacks to increase her mobility and does mid range attack means she doesn't need to get too close to damage her opponent

○ Performer's Delight

Cici generates a stack of Delight after dealing damage, increasing her Movement by 3% per stack and stacking up to 10 times.
At full stacks, Cici also gains 30% Spell Vamp.

○ Yo-Yo Blitz

Cici throws Yoyo at the nearest enemy within range and locks onto them for 3.5s, hitting them up to 10 times and dealing damage equal to 50 plus 4 (+0,0)% of the target's Max HP per hit.
Cici can move and use other skills during this attack.

○ Buoyant Bounce

Cici leaps to a target location. If she lands on an enemy, she deals 200 (+75) Physical Damage to them and leaps again in the target direction.

○ Curtain Call

Cici throws Yoyo at the target enemy hero and links them with another nearby enemy hero, dealing 100 (+19) Physical Damage, slowing them by 50%, and pulling together for 3s.
During this time, Cici can use Yo-Yo Blitz to attack both linked targets at the same time.

If only one is within the range of Yo-Yo Blitz, Cici will attack the target twice, but the damage of the second attack will be reduced to 20%

Behold, the dazzling star of the show! Oh, how I am mesmerized yet again! Let us welcome the girl who frolics in the clouds, across rooftops, and amidst the meadows. From her hands, Yoyo, her spinning companion, is launched high into the sky, igniting a celestial fireworks display that showers the heavens and paints every eye with wonder.

"Now, let us give a thunderous round of applause to bid farewell to Miss Cici from the Whimsical Wonders Troops!"

Our cherished performer is about to set forth on her annual show tour, destined to illuminate another city with her dazzling light!

As for me, her most loyal devotee, I am duty-bound to stalk... uh... I mean, to record her on this journey. Do not pine for me, for I will send live performance highlights to you all.

I must admit, her choice is bold indeed; to march starlight into the cold heart of Castle Aberleen. It is the birthplace of the Whimsical Wonder, yet it now stands as a stark contrast to the once lively city. Legend has it that the troupe's founder, Madam Mimi, who is also Miss Cici's aunt, made her fame here, and departed with no small degree of grandeur while leaving behind a radiance that lingered as long as it could. Castle Aberleen has since plunged into silence, a memorial to her brilliance, with no soul daring to profane its glory with folk performances.

"Didn't you promise your aunt not to go to Castle Aberleen? It has already had its Queen of Revelry."

Yoyo, her magical companion, and in many ways the brains of the operation, brought her steps to a halt.

"My aunt's era has come and gone. The future now belongs to you and I!"

Yoyo followed behind, leaving a trail of stardust.

Oh, Cici, my Cici. This year's tour shall undoubtedly be the grandest of them all. Now follow me, camera! Let us step into Castle Aberleen!

Castle Aberleen, a place most ominous and chilling. This did not, however, deter Miss Cici in the slightest. After a few rambunctious calls from her, curious children emerged from every nook and cranny and followed. Shortly after, her renowned performance began to unfold. She tossed Yoyo soaring into the sky for what seemed like an eternity before it came rolling back on the string to her hand. She leapt from spot to spot, as if walking on clouds, while twirling Yoyo. on this night, the stars were a humble witness to their majestic presence.

Applause thundered through the streets of Castle Aberleen. The show was a smashing success by any measurement, but why do I have this unsettling feeling? Ever since I followed Miss Cici into the city, a red-eyed raven has been circling overhead...

Not only that, but unless my eyes deceive me, the statues in the walls are now slowly coming to life, transforming into armored soldiers, and advancing toward... Miss Cici!

The crowd scattered like roaches. I followed Miss Cici into a dim and eerie street. A decrepit hand pulled Cici beyond some curtains - it was an old man, who swiftly made a shushing gesture.

Following Miss Cici's gaze, I spun around and saw the strange shop. Everything looked so familiar, yet out of place. The big curtain was definitely an old theater backdrop. Ornate opera masks had been turned into plant pots. and various costumes were cut up and hung above the windows to offer a minor respite from Castle Aberleen's perpetual rainfall.

"What happened here? Are you a performer?"

The old man reached for the sunflower pendant hanging around Cici's neck, the symbol of the Whimscial Wonders Troupe that every member possessed.


He knows her name? Could he be another one of her devoted fans?

"I held you once when you were little."

Seriously? That's his opening line? Now I'm as bewildered as you are.

"you remind me so much of your aunt. In her prime, she feared nothing and no one, and stood vehemently against the aristocracy. Then she found you. To keep you safe, she had no choice but to leave Castle Aberleen. I never thought I'd see you again. Has Mimi returned as well?"

"No, she hasn't. But did you just say Castle Aberleen has banned performances? Was my aunt exiled?"

"Exiled? I suppose you could say that, but she did not go without a fight."

Cici's expression darkened. so this was the truth the troupe has been hiding. A not-so-glorious past of a failed uprising. Yet, there is no shame in their endeavors. They had the courage to stand up for what they believed in. Cici, you must be strong and believe too! but alas, I cannot reveal myself, I can't let her know that I am here, I...

"Then I must carry on what she couldn't finish! Sir, please tell everyone you know that the performance begins tomorrow at midnight!"

She could barely contain her excitement. Of course Miss Cici's radiance could never be snuffed out!

With Yoyo's help, they worked though the night to finish the promotional flyers. By dawn, a colorful sea of posters adorned the entire city.

"Where did this madness come from?"

The elders of Castle Aberleen had never faced such a vexing, yet undeniably vibrant, morning. Mixed within the crowd, there was a man wearing a hood... could that be Aamon, the Lord of Castle Aberleen? What a scoop! Ah, the young lord of Castle Aberleen must be anticipating a splendid performance like everyone else. Well, Miss Cici definitely won't disappoint us!

The red-eyed ravens circled in the sky, emitting piercing cries. The soldiers that came to life from building facades were mobilized en masse, their rigid joints rattling with purpose. Yes, yes! Now they are part of the performance!

An enduring chase unfolded in Castle Aberleen. The flow of dark magic and the effervescence of Yoyo streamed through the streets and spilled into the sky.

"You Idiots couldn't even catch one girl?!"

Oh angry elders, I am all too familiar with those red-eyed ravens of yours - they are just like the cameras that feed our fans. Disrupting them is but a bagatelle for me. Furthermore, the lord of your own city gave the wrong command, causing your soldiers to search the empty riverbank

But with the ever-increasing number of pursuers, Cici was finally cornered in an alley in the late hours of the night.

"My dear girl, who sent you to Castle Aberleen alone?"

That beguiling voice! It could only belong to one of equal resplendence, Madam Mimi! Doves flew out as Mr. Anton led a group of dancers towards the soldiers.

Dancing in unison with the doves, they wrapped around the leader of the soldiers.

Bubbles gently descended from the sky, entrapping soldiers within - it was the boy from the sea, Binny.

And the once dim alley suddenly lit up, revealing an elderly man in an exquisite costume and opera mask. Behind him were a troupe of performers marching in step. Like him, they were old in age yet possessed clear and melodious voices. Their singing brilliantly shattered the decades-long silence of Castle Aberleen.

The real show was about to begin!

"Go on, my girl. We'll take care of things here!"

With a boost from Yoyo, Cici gracefully scaled the mountain of soldiers before reaching the rooftops and making her escape.

Wherever she went, the night sky lit up, and the tumbling Yoyo spread her exuberant energy to every window she passed.

"Don't be afraid to have fun!"

Windows that had once been shaded in darkness now glowed with lambent candlelight. Beneath the candlelight, people smiled and began to dance and embrace their loved ones.

Cici pressed on towards the horizon.

From the highest point of Castle Aberleen, fireworks blossomed, and the entire city was ablaze with a radiant display.

From this night onward, Castle Aberleen would no longer be afraid to have fun!

What a most splendid night it was for Cici!

And so the curtain falls.

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