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Latest MLBB Patch Update 1.8.20 (Official)

Latest Mobile Legend (MLBB) Patch Update 1.8.20
New Look, New Hero, Same old Greatness Welcome 1.8.20!

The latest official 1.8.20 is out! Now Mobile Legend (MLBB) gets ton of update not just the heroes but also the game Main Interface itself which is now more simplified and looks ab-so-lutely gorgeous, and with each now hero (or in this case is Revamped
Layla) be the main character to be highlight on the main screen, You can even tap on the screen to interact with them. But beside that, with the upcoming MLBB 7th Anniversary Celebration theres tons more to look forward to in the Project Next!

So lets step back and lets take a brief look on what this official update is all about.


Revamped character model for Layla, Lolita, & Bruno (with Revamped X-Borg & Johnson upcoming 23rd Sept)

New character Nolan, Cosmic Wayfinder (30th Sept)

○ Improvement on Support Heroes skills.

○ Heroes that are having major changes include;

Mathilda (↑), Lylia (↑), Rafaela (↑), Yu Zhong (↑), Phoveus (↑), Benedetta (↑), Ixia (↑), Popol and Kupa (↑), Wanwan (~), Floryn (~), Estes (~), Johnson (~)

○ New equipment [Flask of the Oasis]

○ New limited time game Mode [Domination]

Medal point Algorithm reconstruction, better reflect each player's actual contribution, not just statistic

Increase EXP from buff Creeps by 1-2%

EXP adjustment for better leveling experience

New Main interface, improve graphic quality & game performance upgrade


[Flask of the Oasis] (New)

+60 Magic Power
+300 Max HP
+10% Cooldown Reduction

[Unique Attribute]
+12% Healing Effect

[Unique Passive - Blessing]
After casting a healing or shield skill, if the target's HP is below or falls below 35% within 5s, they will gain a shield for 3s. When this effect triggers, it also reduces the cooldown of the caster's skills. This effect will not trigger on self-only healing and shield skills.

[Fleeting Time] (~)

+350 Max Mana >> +300 Max HP
Build Path adjusted accordingly.

[Demon Shoes] (~)
Equipment adaptivity increased.

[Attributes] (↑)
+6 Mana Regen >> +10 Mana Regen

[Unique Passive] (↓)
Removed Effect: Hero kills or assists restore Mana by 10%.
New Effect: Minion kills >> Minion kills or assists restore Mana by 4%.

[Warrior Boots] (↑)

[Unique Passive - Valor] (↑)
Gain 5 Physical Defense when struck by Basic Attacks >> Gain 4 Physical Defense when taking Physical Damage

[Ice Queen Wand] (↓)

[Unique Passive - Ice Bound] (↓)
Enemy hero is slowed by 15%. Stacks up to 2 times. >> Enemy hero is slowed by 10%. Stacks up to 3 times
The slow effect now has a 1 second cooldown.

[Power Potion] (↑)
Lifesteal:5% >>15%

[Magic Potion] (↑)
Cooldown Reduction:5% >> 10%

[Rock Potion] (↑)
Control Duration Reduced: 15% >> 25%


We're improving Mathilda's control and ease of use in hopes that the new Ultimate will make her more competitive in battle.

[SKILL 1] (↑)
Damage: 350-625 + 100% Magic Power >> 275-500 + 80% Magic Power
Following Damage Decays to 20% >> 40%. Damage at three wisps is the same as before. The more wisps she has the higher the damage boost.
Slightly increased the wisp's duration to better match the changes to her Ultimate.

[SKILL 2] (↑)

Significantly increased the available time of dash for allies after they leave Guiding Wind, giving them more time to choose where they want to dash.
Cooldown: 15-12s >> 12-11s

New Effect: Mathilda can now select an area to rush to, knocking enemies airborne in her path.
New Effect: Transfers Soul Mark to the first target knocked by the second-stage dash.
Reduced the flying speed during the Ultimate's first stage while increasing its max flying duration, allowing Mathilda to better position herself before casing her second-stage dash.
Improved the Ultimate's flying path. Mathilda will no longer fly toward the target. And if she starts too close to the target, she will fly away from the target first so the target hero can't interrupt her flight by closing in on her.

Slightly reduced the Ultimate's range. Floryn is too powerful in Ranked with the new Emblem Talents and Lifesteal update. So we're nerfing Floryn's healing ability, but giving her the ability to increase teammates' damage with the equipment she provides. We're also giving her simpler skill mechanics and casting experience.

Dew's Lantern no longer needs to be upgraded. It provides the upgraded effects directly to all of her skills. We removed the Movement Speed boost when she heals the teammate who equips Flower of Hope.
Base Shield: 200 >> 150

Dew's Lantern (~)
New Effect: Dew's Lantern's attributes scale with hero level.
Initial Attributes: 2% Cooldown Reduction, 5% Movement Speed >> 4% Movement Speed
Max Level Attributes: 55 Magic Power >> 50 Magic Power

Flower of Hope (~)
Equipment sharing requires Floryn to be at the fountain >> Floryn must remain out of combat for 5s to share equipment
Removed Effect: 10% Hybrid Lifesteal.
New Effect: Every once in a while, a skill or Basic Attack deals extra Magic Damage.

[SKILL 1] (↓)
The skill is now cast in the upgraded range from the beginning of the match.
HP Regen: 175-250 + 65% Magic Power + 5% Target's lost HP >> 175-225 + 90% Magic Power
Magic Power Bonus to Damage: 180% >> 100%
Cooldown: 8-6.5s >> 9-7.5s

[SKILL 2] (↑)
The skill is now cast in the upgraded range from the beginning of the match.
Targets hit by this skill are stunned.
Stun Duration: 1s >> 0.7s

Gain healing or shield reduction immunity effects from the beginning of the match.
HP Regen: 400-650 + 70% Magic Power >> 250-450 + 100% Magic Power
Removed the Ultimate damage.
Cooldown: 60s at all levels >> 70s at all levels

We want to emphasize Rafaela's Movement Speed boost for teammates and make it easier for her Ultimate to land hits. We're also working on adjusting her Passive, so stay tuned!

[SKILL 2] (↑)
New Effect: Clears slow effects and becomes immune to slow effects for 1.5s
Speed Boost: 50% >> 30%, gains 1% extra Movement Speed for every 20 Magic Power
HP Regen for Nearby Teammates: 100-150 + 25% Magic Power >> 100-125 + 35% Magic Power
HP Regen for the Teammate with the lowest HP: 150-300 + 25% Magic Power >> 150-250 + 45% Magic Power

Increased the indicator width and shortened the time between each Holy Light cast.
Stun Duration: 1.5s >> 1.2s

Adjusted the Magic Power bonus of his skills as part of the healing and shield skill adjustment plan. Enhanced the durability with Magic Power equipment.

[SKILL 1] (~)
1st Stage HP Regen: 250-400 + 70% Magic Power >> 250-325 + 110% Magic Power
Continuous HP Regen: 325-450 + 30% Magic Power >> 325-400 + 60% Magic Power
After linking with a teammate, gain extra Attack >> extra Hybrid Defense.

1st Stage HP Regen: 500-800 + 140% Magic Power >> 500-700 + 220% Magic Power
Continuous HP Regen: 1170-1620 + 105% Magic Power >> 1170-1470 + 210% Magic Power

HP Regen: 1260-1620 + 105% Magic Power >> 1230-1470 + 210% Magic Power

Adjusted the Magic Power bonus of his skills as part of the healing and shield skill adjustment plan.

Shield: 650-1000 + 200% Magic Power >> 650-880 + 300% Magic Power

Adjusted the Magic Power bonus of her skills as part of the healing and shield skill adjustment plan.

[SKILL 1] (~)
HP Regen: 150-225 + 60% Magic Power >> 150-200 + 90% Magic Power

Shield: 1200-2400 + 200%-280% Magic Power >> 1200-2000 + 200%-400% Magic Power

Yu Zhong is a bit weak against popular Exp laners, so we're optimizing his combo damage and skill cooldown to make him more competitive against those heroes in battle.

Improved the description so that it now matches the actual effects.
Sha Eruption's Extra Damage based on Target's Lost HP: 2% >> 2.5%

[SKILL 1] (↑)
Sharpened Edge's Damage: 250% >> 275%

[SKILL 2] (↑)
Improved the description to make it easier to understand.
Cooldown: 14-11s >> 12s at all levels

We're hoping he gets more time in battles.

[SKILL 1] (↑)
Skill Recharge Time: 8.5-6s >> 8.5-4.5s
Mana Cost: 40-60 >> 40
Damage: 250-500 + 100% Magic Power >> 300-600 + 120% Magic Power

[SKILL 2] (↑)
Cooldown: 13.5s >> 13.5-11s

Cooldown: 50s-40s >> 44s-36s

Slightly reduced Julian's skill cooldown.

Cooldown: 10-6.5s >> 9-6s

Benedetta's slashes are more powerful now.

[SKILL 1] (↑)
Slash Damage: 50-150 + 80% Physical Attack >> 75-200 + 100% Physical Attack
Cooldown: 10-8s >> 10-6.5s

The last adjustment has nerfed Aamon's Ultimate too much, so we are reverting part of the adjustment.

Range: 3.5 >> 4

We decided to make Johnson's Ultimate more interactive.

Johnson doesn't automatically carry teammates with his Ultimate.
His teammates must manually tap a button to enter the car.

Slightly increased Akai's sustainability.

HP Based Shield Bonus: 4% >> 5%
HP Based Basic Attack Damage Bonus: 4% >> 5%

[SKILL 2] (↑)
Slow Effect: 30% >> 45%
Cooldown: 7-5.5s >> 7-4.5s

Reduced mana cost to increase his sustainability without any Creep buff.

[SKILL 1] (↑)
Mana Cost: 40-80 >> 25-50

[SKILL 2] (↑)
Mana Cost: 90-140 >> 70-100

Slightly enhanced the effects of his Skill 1.

[SKILL 1] (↑)
Stun Duration: 1s >> 1.5s
Cooldown: 14-11.5s >> 15-12s

Minotaur should also be able to benefit from the new equipment.

[SKILL 2] (↑)
Gains HP Regen Bonus from Magic Power.

The buffs we added to Lylia in the last patch didn't meet our expectations. We were able to simplify her Ultimate, but we also took away her 10X Shadow Energy combo burst. So, we are adding back her Shadow Energy combo back in a different way to give the pro Lylia players more possibilities.

[SKILL 2] (↑)
New Effect: When at max level, Gloom's explosions that hit an enemy hero immediately grant Lylia 50% Skill Recharge Time.

Luo Yi has learned new combat techniques from other Mages.

Max Speed Up: 30% >> 50%

[SKILL 1] (↑)
Base Damage: 210-410 + 120% Magic Power >> 210-510 + 135% Magic Power

Slightly buffed Cyclops' early lane-clearing speed and mobility.

[SKILL 1] (↑)
Cooldown: 9s >> 8.5s
Mana Cost: 100 at all levels >> 50-100

[SKILL 2] (↑)
30% Movement Speed for 2 seconds >> 50% Movement Speed boost that decays over 2s

Ixia's Ultimate is now more powerful and safer to cast. Also, her Basic Attack is easier to use.

Cast Range: 9 >> 11
The angle is slightly narrowed so that the furthest width remains the same.
Siphon Starlium and Basic Attacks can be cast at the same time during her Ultimate.
Removed Effect: Siphon Starlium's damage and Attack Speed bonus during her Ultimate.
Cooldown: 48-40s >> 54-42s
Duration: 5s >> 4s

We're hoping Popol and Kupa can jungle faster and be more powerful in the late game.

Kupa's Extra Damage against Creeps: 90% >> 150%

[SKILL 1] (↑)
Cooldown: 6.5s at all levels >> 7s-5.2s (scales with level)

[SKILL 2] (↑)
Cooldown: 6.5s at all levels >> 5.5s at all levels

As the meta evolves, we decided to revert some of the nerf on Melissa to make her more compatible.

[SKILL 1] (↑)
Attack Speed Boost: 35%-75% >>50%-75%

It is very difficult to counter a Marksman hero with unlimited dashes and control removal. In the past, we have tried different approaches to balance this between pro matches and top-level Ranked matches but none of them worked as intended. This time, we decided to adjust Wanwan's skill 2, which will require Wanwan players to be more careful about when to use this skill. However, we have also increased Wanwan's damage and mobility in the hopes that she will perform differently depending on the skill of the player.

Basic Attack Damage: 100% Total Physical Attack >> 110% Total Physical Attack (Also inherit 110% Attack Effect)
Increased the interval between Basic Attacks while standing still. The speed of Basic Attacks while dashing with her Passive remains the same.
Slightly increased how much her dash speed increases with her Attack Speed.

[Skill 2] (↓)
Cooldown: 18-12s >> 24-20s

Slightly reduced Submachine Gun's late-game damage; increased Shotgun's early-game damage.

Nibiru - Basic Attack Damage: 52.5%-70% Physical Attack >> 51%-65% Physical Attack
Wesker - Basic Attack Damage: 150%-220% Physical Attack >> 178%-220% Physical Attack


Optimized the animation of Miya's Skill 2. It now has a longer range but a slightly longer delay.

[SKILL 2] (~)
Slightly increased the cast range.
Slightly increased the delay time.

Bruno is too powerful with the revamped Crit equipment. We're slightly reducing his early and mid-game damage.

[SKILL 1] (↓)
Base Damage: 145-320 >> 120-270

We made Claude less dependent on equipment and reduced his damage in the mid and late game.

Base Damage: 100-130 >> 130-180
Removed Effect: Extra damage to Minions.
Portion of Attack Effects inherited: 66% >> 50%

We nerfed Lesley's Passive to make her less powerful in fights.

Initial Critical Damage: 140% >> 130%

Slightly reduced Fanny's Base Damage to optimize her performance in mid and high-rank plays.

[SKILL 1] (↓)
Base Damage: 320-570 >> 300-540

Slightly reduced his mobility.

[SKILL 1] (~)
Cooldown: 8-6s >> 7s at all levels

[SKILL 2] (↓)
Cooldown: 8-5.5s >> 8.5-6.5s

Reduced her burst damage in early game.

[SKILL 1] (↓)
Base Damage: 300-500 >> 250-450

Base Damage: 300-360 >> 270-330
Return Waves Damage: 200-240 >> 180-220
Removed Effect: Enemies hit by multiple waves take reduced damage.

Valentina is far more versatile than the other Mages, so we decided to slightly reduce her damage.

[SKILL 1] (↓)
Damage: 340-665 + 185% Magic Power >> 300-600 + 165% Magic Power

Slightly nerfed Yve's lane-clearing ability.

[SKILL 1] (↓)
The extra damage at the center no longer affects Minions.

○ Medal Point Algorithm Reconstruction
Each role should matter equally for the game result. That's why we redesigned the Medal Point algorithm to better reflect each player's actual contribution, not just the statistics.

1- Each player's points are now determined by their relative performance as a member of the team throughout the game.

2- All effective shields and healing that a player grants their allies and control effects inflicted on enemies are counted toward the Medal Points. (These statistics won't be displayed on the Result Screen yet.)

3- We adjusted the weight of the match statistics such as KDA, damage and damage taken to make them equally important, so that certain roles don't have greater advantages in earning Medal Points.

Note: We'll keep optimizing the algorithm and statistics weight in upcoming patches to improve players' experience. Given the large impact of these changes, we will be testing these changes with a small group of players before we do any larger testing or release them to all players.

EXP Adjustments
We're reverting some of the EXP adjustments to make the levelling experience feel closer to what it used to be.

1- Slightly reduced the EXP required from Lv.3 - Lv.4, while increasing the EXP needed from Lv.4 - Lv.6. The overall EXP required from Lv.3 - Lv.6 remains unchanged.

2- Increased the EXP from buff Creeps by 1-2%.

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Adjusted the Support Role. Now Support heroes must be able to buff allies. Those who can only provide extra CC abilities are no longer considered as Support heroes, including Nana, Tigreal, Akai, Franco, Khufra and Atlas.

Adjusted the Battle Setups for Rafaela, Estes, Angela, Floryn and Diggie.

Adjusted the Pro Setup for some regions and heroes.

Reduced the auto-targeting range after kills.

Optimized the indicator refresh logic to make its movement smoother.

New damage indicators implemented for graphic qualities other than Smooth.

Added special effects for [Rapid Boots] during the speed boost.

Optimized the joystick dragging experience.

The default display interface and the display interface for heroes of Eruditio have been revamped with a significant improvement in graphic quality.

The Sanctum Island map has been optimized (bases), with new attack animation from the Spawn Point.

Changed Dyrroth's default lanes. His primary lane is set to EXP Lane while his secondary lane is set to Jungle.

For Project Next this year, we're making improvements to the graphic quality of Layla, Johnson, Bruno, X.Borg and Miya. The default display interface for Eruditio heroes (Beatrix, Ixia, X.Borg, Johnson, etc.) has been revamped with a significant improvement in graphic quality.

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We decide to slightly tone down the Healing Effect that the Emblem provides to give more opportunities to new Support equipment. This will make Support heroes more powerful, but slightly nerf other heroes equipped with the Support Emblem.

Also, we're replacing a less popular Talent to give more support possibilities to Roamers.


Support EmblemSupport
Healing Effect (↓): 15% >> 12%


Wilderness BlessingCommon
Life Drain: Replaced by [Wilderness Blessing]
Effect: Gain extra Movement Speed in Jungle and River.

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[New Main Interface]

The new Main Interface is now available with improved graphic quality, new interactive experience, performance upgrade and new hero interactions!

You will experience the following optimizations on the new Main Interface:

Hero Companion: A hero has been added as an interactive element to the interface, complete with voiceovers and animations created based on the hero's story. There will be more main interface heroes in the future, so stay tuned.

Simplified Layout: We have reorganized and simplified the interface layout to keep the interface clear and simple.

Style & Visual Upgrade: Incorporating more game and story elements, we have upgraded the interface's visuals, interactivity, and effects to give you a better visual experience.

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