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Which Physical Attack Equipment Work Best?


A good build that suit to hero that you pick is vital in any match, they don't just increase stat and grant bonuses, but some equipment gives unique-active ability.

In this article, we are going have a look at on what does these equipment really does, and help you figuring out what is recommended or gives idea for you pick and choose the best build for you.


Sea Halberd
*Healing reduction
+80 phy atk
+25% atk spd
unique passive lifebane : deal damage to a target will reduce the shield and hp regen effect on them to 50% of normal for 3s
unique passive punish : increase damage by 8% against enemy heroes with higher extra HP.

Best use to counter enemy hero that have HP regen effect, lifesteal ability, shielding or high healing.

Example : Marksman with lifesteal, Alpha, Alucard, Uranus, Estes, Rafaela, Angela

Recommended heroes : Khaleed, Hanabi, Granger, Yi Sun Shin, Moskov, Layla, Chou Lapu-Lapu, Hayabusa

*Low HP shield
+30 Magic Defense
+60 Physical ATK
+10% Lifesteal
Unique Passive - Lifeline: When HP is about to drop below 30%, gains a 840~1820 shield (scales with level) and Increase Movement Speed by 50% when triggered, the effect decays over 3 seconds. Cooldown: 60s.

Best use against burst mage type heroes, and improve survivability by provide additional shield and movement speed for when triggered.

Example : Kadita, Cecilion, Lunox, Kagura, Selena, Harley, Eudora

Recommended heroes : Fanny, Alucard, Lancelot, Freya, Sun, Paquito, Chou

*Spell Vamp (Restore health by skill damage)
+70 Physical ATK
+10% CD Reduction
Unique Attribute: +20% Spell Vamp

Useful for heroes that rely on skills and increase durability when dealing high damage.

Recommended heroes : Ruby, Granger, Lancelot, Hayabusa, Khaleed, X-Borg, Terizla, Alpha, Dyrroth

Best pair with : Haas's Claws

*Physical penetration & Brief Speed-up
+80 Physical ATK
+10% CD Reduction
Unique Attribute: +15 Physical PEN
Unique Passive - Retribution: Deals damage to an enemy hero or Creep for 5 times in a row and improves Movement Speed by 50% that decays rapidly over 3s. This effect has 8s cooldown.

Works well for physical assassins' in mid game as it helps to increase more damage and mobility

Recommended heroes : Granger, Yu Zhong, Martis, Beatrix, Paquito, Bane, Helcurt, Lapu-Lapu, Saber, Lancelot, Alucard

Stack with : Blade of the Heptaseas, Fury Hammer

Blade of Despair
*Highest physical attack bonus equipment
+160 Physical Attack
+5% Movement Speed
Unique Passive - Despair: Attacking enemies below 50% HP grants 25% extra Physical Attack for 2 seconds (takes effect before the damage is dealt).

Boost highest physical damage output and best use in late-game, not to mention increase 25% physical damage if attack enemies with below 50% HP

Recommended heroes : Leomord, Fanny, Granger, Hayabusa, Natalia, Lancelot, Karrie, Wanwan, Claude, Gusion, Selena, Alucard, Thamuz, Chou

Best pair with : Malefic Roar

Blade of the Heptaseas
*Physical penetration & Unique ambush ability
+70 Physical ATK
+250 HP
Unique Attribute: +15 Physical PEN
Unique Passive - Ambush: If no damage is dealt or taken from enemy heroes within 5 seconds, the next Basic Attack deals 160 (40% Total Physical ATK) as extra Physical Damage and slows the target by [40% for 1.5 seconds].

Recommend for physical damage dealer (best equip by assassins), which basic attack does burst damage

Recommended heroes : Chou, Badang, Aldous, Jawhead, Khaleed, Fanny, Lancelot, Zilong, Natalia, Ling, Lesley, Brody, Bane, Roger

Stack with : Hunter's Strike, Fury Hammer

Scarlet Phantom*
*Boost Attack speed & Crits
+30 Physical Attack
+20% Attack Speed
+25% Crit Chance
Unique Passive - Frenzy: Critical strikes grant 30% extra Attack Speed and 5% extra Crit Chance for 2 seconds.

*Update Obsolete, Equivalent is Haas's Claw

Highly recommended for marksman that heavily relies on attack speed and critical strikes.

Recommended heroes : Miya, Bruno, Karrie, Moskov, Zilong, Wanwan, Roger, Natalia, Hanabi, Clint, Freya

Stack with : Berserker's Fury

*Splash damage, Speed & Fast clear minion
+40% Attack Speed
+20 Movement Speed
+10% Crit Chance
Unique Passive - Typhoon: Every 5–2 seconds (reduced by 0.2 seconds for each Basic Attack), the next Basic Attack will hit up to 3 enemy units for 150–362 Magic Damage. (This attack can critically strike and the damage increases to 200% against Minions.)
Unique Passive - Activate: Each time Typhoon is cast, one's movement speed will be increased [by] 5% for a short time.

Best against enemies that have high physical defense and or equipped with Wind of Nature

Recommended heroes : Karrie, Argus, Miya, Hayabusa, Layla, Wanwan, Helcurt, Natalia

Stack with : Berserker's Fury, Haas's Claw

Great Dragon Spear
*Boost Crits & CD Reduction
+70 Physical ATK
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+20% Crit Chance
Unique Passive - Supreme Warrior: After casting an Ultimate, increase Movement Speed by 15% for 7.5s This effect has a 15s cooldown

Improve the hero mobility and good for Physical heroes that rely on Crit and CD reduction.

Recommended heroes : Irithel, Aulus, Zilong, Natalia, Alucard

Endless Battle
+65 Physical ATK
+250 HP
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+8% Hybrid Lifesteal
+5% Movement Speed
+5% Mana Regen
Unique Passive - Divine Justice: After casting a skill, the next Basic Attack within 3s deals 60% Physical Attack as extra True Damage (1.5s cooldown).
Unique Passive - Chase Fate: Triggering Divine Justice grants 10% extra Movement Speed.

Endless Battle is great for physical heroes who uses basic attacks right away or have abilities that cause attack effects when they hit after using a skill.

Recommended heroes : Lesley, Clint, Aldous, Popol, Ling, Moskov, Martis

Berserker's Fury
* Increase Crit Chance & Damage
+65 Physical Attack
+25% Crit Chance
Unique Attribute: +40% Crit Damage
Unique Passive - Doom: Critical strikes grant 5% extra Physical Attack for 2s.

Berserker's fury is a useful item that increases critical damage and physical damage. It is most effective for physical heroes who rely on critical hits.

Recommended heroes : Miya, Natalia, Roger, Yi Sun Shin, Bruno, Lesley

Pair with : Haas's Claws, Windtalker

Haas's Claws
*Lifesteal & increase Attack Speed
+30 Physical ATK
+20% Attack Speed
+20% Crit Chance
Unique Attribute: +25% Lifesteal
Unique Passive - Frenzy: Critical strikes grant 20% extra Attack Speed for 2s.

Haas's Claws is a good choice for heroes who rely on critical strikes and attack speed such as Marksmen and Fighters that uses Basic Attacks to deal high damage and increases their sustainability.

Recommended heroes : Moskov, Popol, Irithel, Miya, Alucard, Argus, Ruby,

Pair with : Berserker Fury

Malefic Roar
*High Physical Penetration
+60 Physical ATK
Unique Attribute: +20% Physical Penetration
Unique Passive - Armor Buster: When attacking an enemy, gains 0.125% extra Physical Penetration to each point of the enemy's Physical Defense, capped at 40%.

Greatly useful for Physical DPS heroes to counter enemies with strong Defense abilities in the late game especially Tank heroes.

Recommended heroes : Saber, Lesley, Yi Sun shin, Bruno, Clint, Hayabusa

Wind of Nature
*Physical Damage Immunity
+30 Physical ATK
+20% Attack Speed
+10% Lifesteal
Unique Active - Wind Chant: Immune to all Physical Damage. Last 2s. (Duration becomes half when used by non-marksmen). CD 70s.

Best suited for Marksmen who need to fight Physical Assassins with high burst or other Physical Marksmen.

Recommended heroes : Wanwan, Hanabi, Karrie, Claude

Pair/Stack with : Corrosion Scythe, Windtalker

Golden Staff
*Enhance Attack Effects
+55 Physical ATK
+15% Attack Speed
Unique Passive - Swift: Every 1% of Critical Chance is converted into 1% extra Attack Speed.
Unique Passive - Endless Strike: After every 2 non-critical Basic Attacks. Attack Speed of the next Basic Attack is increased by 100% and its effects is triggered an extra 2 time(s).

Very useful to improve basic attack effect of a hero, heroes that rely on passive stacks can complete stacks faster.

Recommended heroes : Badang, Karrie, Thamuz ,Roger, Moskov

Pair/Stack with : Demon Hunter Sword, Feather of Heaven, Corrosion Scythe

Corrosion Scythe
+30 Physical ATK
+5% Movement SPD
+35% Attack Speed
Unique Passive - Corrosive: Basic Attack gains 80 extra Physical Damage and slow the target's Movement Speed by 8% (halved for ranged Basic Attacks) for 1.5s. Stacking up to 5 times.
Unique Passive - Impulse: Basic Attack grants 6% extra Attack Speed for 3s, capped at 5 stacks.

Good for slowing down enemies while increase the Attack Speed.

Recommended heroes : Irithel, Minsitthar, Freya, Melissa, Wanwan

Pair/Stack with : Golden Staff

Demon Hunter Sword
*Tank Killer
+35 Physical ATK
+25% Attack Speed
Unique Passive - Devour: Basic attacks will deal 8% of the target's current HP as additional physical damage (capped at 60 against minions).
Unique Passive - Devour: Each Basic Attack grants 3% Lifesteal for 3s. Stack up to 5 times.

Best against enemies : to counter Tanks heroes or very useful equipped for heroes that have high attack rate,

Recommended heroes : Helcurt ,Masha, Sun ,Zilong, Ling

So these are the physical attack item that you can consider for your build, we still have a few more equipment to be cover in future. Don't forget to click on our build section where you can experimental with all the equipment in MLBB to see which is suits for your next battle.

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