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[MLBB LORE] The Effects of the Abyss

Mobile Legend MLBB Lore : Lord of The Abyss
A brief story on the heroes lore continue after the Lord of The Abyss, (further elaborate)

*Credit to Redditor
ComplicatedAnalyst for the Lore timeline

The Event timeline
[Lord of the Abyss] >> [Effects of The Abyss] >> [Invasion of The Abyss] >> [The Forsaken 4 Squad] >> [Twilight Origin]

banner_lore_story_02_karina.jpgThe Story of [Karina – Shadow Blade]

Karina could barely stop herself from shaking as she stared at Selena before her, a woman now almost unrecognizable.

Rage, regret, desperation… A thousand different emotions flooded within her. Yet she knew that what mattered is that, right now, her little sister was standing against her like this.

She`d never even imagined this could happen. Karina had once staunchly believed herself capable of protecting her sister, Selena.

They had always been inseparable, depending on each other for as long as she could remember: elegant and mild young Elves that bounded throughout the lush forests.

Yet with the spread of the Abyss’ corruption, the Shadow Swamp they called home was tainted and fell to its evil,

All Elves who remained were similarly corrupted as they became Dark Elves in servitude of the Abyss.

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Dark Elves are of special significance to the demons, they retain their ancient Elven powers despite having been forced into submission by the Abyss.

The Lord of the Abyss seeks them out with great avarice, determined to use the Dark Elves as the stepping stones that pave his way to devour this world whole.

Karina was trained to become a cold-hearted assassin from a very young age. As such she has no qualms in using all means necessary to achieve her goals.

But Karina, this coldblooded killer, always treated her Selena with the greatest warmth and love.

In order to keep Selena safe, Karina requested of their clan’s leader that she be kept in the dark about her profession.

While Selena knew nothing of her older sister’s affairs, Karina considered her the only comfort in her life otherwise full of murder and violence.

Selena was a symbol to her that she could always return home, to be with her sister.

Karina knew very well that, were they to descend into the battles of light versus darkness in the Endless War, chaos could be right around the corner.

She was left by no choice, but at least she could still protect her little sister.

What Karina could never have expected, however, was for the barriers she’d erected around her sister to steadily erode as she grew older.

And the reason that her defenses were failing came not from the outside world, but from Karina herself.

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As Selena grew older, she became attuned to the fact that something was not quite right about her sister.

Sometimes Karina would leave home suddenly, not to return for a long time – and when she did, more often than not she`d be injured form head to toe.

Selena, never knew how her sister would gain such wounds, and it plagued her with a deep uneasiness.

This time, Karina had returned home battered and beaten once more.

Not long after her wounds had healed, Karina was already making preparations to leave again, but now Selena stood in her way.

She didn`t know what it was her sister was heading out to do, but Selena knew that if she let her go again, she could lose her beloved sister forever.

Watching as her sister disappeared into the distance, Selena swore to herself: no more would she just wait at home like a naïve child.

Selena cautiously tailed Karina, who soon caught on that she was being followed sought to shake her off her trail.

Yet as they left the Shadow Swamp, Selena was suddenly attacked by a dark figure; Karina had to make a move and save her sister from her predicament.

It was the first time Selena had ever seen her older sister in battle.

Watching as Karina crushed the enemy, Selena felt relieved but also came to a realization: she and her sister lived in two very different worlds.

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Selena sought to become powerful, and so went to looking for their clan`s leader. This was to be the start of Karina’s nightmare.

The leader had long ago fallen into the clutches of the Abyss` corruption, and instead of giving Selena guidance, he led her to be a sacrifice to the Abyss, setting the young girl hungry for power on a tragic path.

By the Karina had rushed over, Selena had changed beyond all recognition.

The young girl was suspended loft, a thick malice pervading the air all around.

Selena`s naivety had led her to sacrifice herself to the Abyss.

The Lord of the Abyss stole away all her sense of self, warped her wishes to protect Karina, and transformed her into a tool of world destruction.

Selena could no longer hear the desperate cries of her sister, Karina had no choice but to cross swords with her, to return her sister snatched by the Abyss.

Never had Karina imagined that the combat skills she`d slaved to perfect would have to be used against her younger sister, nor that Selena would unleash such an explosive power against her sister.

Facing defeat at the hands of the sister so familiar, yet now so strange to her, she was left with no choice but to leave as her heart panged with regret.

With that, Karina left the Shadow Swamp to roam the Land of Despair.

She was reborn from darkness, laying full fury of her vengeance upon the Abyss and demons that had taken her dear sister.

All the while, she held on to that belief: that, one day, she would finally be able to take Selena home again.

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banner_lore_story_02_selena.jpgThe Story of [Salena – Abyssal Witch]

South of the Moniyan Empire lies a bottomless abyss, engraved into this barren landscape as if an ancient demon used the sharpest of blades to carve a disfiguring scar into the Land of Dawn.

People call this the Shadow Abyss.

Sealed away at the bottom of this legendary abyss, lies the most terrible demon in the Land of Dawn - the Abyss Dominator.

The demons at the bottom of the abyss tirelessly devise plots to strengthen the power of darkness, persuading misguided believers to provide them with sacrifices for their evil cause.

They use these sacrifices to feed the `Abyss Devil', a monster formed of the purest dark energy that waits in the darkness to devour its prey.

Selena, a young Dark Elf, was sacrificed to the Shadow Abyss by fanatics in exchange for dark energy, and as Elves are the Abyss Devil's favorite sacrifices, Selena was offered up immediately by the demons.

The Abyss Devil maniacally drilled into Selena, severe pain and desperation spreading through every corner of the young Elf girl's body.

Just as she was about to be consumed by dark magic, a miracle occurred - a warm blue light enveloped the girl, and the dark abyssal magic and this mystical power began waging a savage battle inside her fragile, young body.

Selena awoke find herself lying in the depth of the abyss, her skin now a mysterious blue tone and her lavender eyes filled with a scarlet glow, with the Abyss Devil lying quietly at her side.

This girl is loved deeply, and this love has protected her from being consumed by darkness.

The Abyss and the Moon Goddess - these two opposing forces have reached a balance within her body.

When Selena reappeared before the demonic inhabitants of the abyss, with the Abyss Devil at her side, she had completely forgotten her past.

She found that she could skillfully manipulate the abyss to release dark magic, a demon capable of tearing her enemies to shreds.

The will of the Shadow Abyss appointed her as its voice, making it her duty to rule over the demonic denizens.

Even the proud Queen of Blood Magic began to feel unnerved upon seeing this young Dark Elf Girl, not only because the abyss had chosen her, but also because Alice could sense the terrible power lying within this seemingly cute and mischievous youngster.

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banner_lore_story_02_gloo.jpgThe Story of [Gloo – Swamp Spirit]

During a huge war waged in the Barren Lands, the Moniyan Empire`s Second Regiment was almost entirely annihilated.

Among the sea of corpses strewn all around, a Moniyan soldier had managed to survive; yet lost every one of his comrades, and was left to walk back to his homeland alone.

Dark clouds shroud the Barren Lands year in, year out.

Without the sun, moon and stars to guide his path, this solitary survivor lost his way and strayed into the Shadow Swamp.

Both the earth and water found within the forests of the Shadow Swamp are corrupted by the Abyss, leaving the place moist and putrid.

The man's extreme hunger and fatigue, together with the endless forest that surrounded him, plunged him into darkness and despair.

Just as he was about to pass out, a most peculiar feeling wrenched him back to consciousness: a sticky sensation spread upon his back, and then he lost all control of his limbs which ran wildly of their own accord.

He would describe this moment in his memoirs as feeling like he was but a wooden puppet, like those played by the Moniyan children.

The man was about to lose consciousness when the body he no longer controlled came to a halt.

There he saw the ruins of a great vine-entangled temple, weathered by the wind and frost yet still grand and imposing

These ancient temple ruins stuck out like a sore thumb within their Shadow Swamp surroundings.

The strange sensation that ran down his back faded away as he stopped, yet it was just then that he caught sight of something small that hopped into the nearby bushes, seemingly in hiding.

And so as the soldier crept over stealthily, reaching out to push aside a branch, there appeared before him a little critter about the size of a coal briquette; he prepared to catch it and study it more closely, yet before he could make a move, countless others had emerged from all around.

They stacked together in an orderly fashion, and in a little over ten seconds the creature no bigger than a lump of coal had transformed into a mighty beast.

This struck terror into the heart of the poor Moniyan soldier who fainted on the spot.

But when he awakened once more, he found himself no longer within the swamp, instead upon the border of the Barren Lands and the Empire.

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The Moniyan citizens held much respect for this veteran, yet dismissed his story as merely the hallucinations of a man racked by fatigue while having narrowly escaped death.

After all, even the most learned scholars in Moniyan had never even heard of such a creature.

There was little the soldier could do but write his experiences down on paper instead, that evidence to be uncovered in later ages could perhaps prove his sanity.

When the Elven text ‘‘Azrya‘‘ reached the Academy of Magic, a student from the Moniyan Empire read records within of a faction called the Gloo--records which conformed directly with the experiences of that Moniyan soldier he'd read before.

The curious student sought the dean of the Ulturia School, Eudora, who having glanced over the soldier's writings confirmed that they indeed described a Gloo encounter.

Having heard it from Eudora, mankind became aware of Gloo--peculiar beings with peculiar ways of living.

Through a mysterious secretion, once just one of their number had attached to any living being, they could then begin to completely enshroud it.

What's more, this gel-like outer coating of theirs acted as a cognizant organ that allowed unique neural networks to function among individual “Goos” which formed the larger sensation “Gloo”.

Of these beings some would hold higher roles within the network, commanding all the others when they combined into one form. Through merging in different number, they were able to control their size and shape at will.

Goos were found to be intelligent and pure beings, proud of their 'group wisdom' they shared which was mostly used to pull pranks on the neighboring Elves.

When she heard of the Moniyan soldier's bizarre adventure, she realized what had happened: a group of Goos must had wandered out too far, and so they latched on to him as a larger organism to hitch a ride back home.

Since its birth, the Goos had never ventured out of Azrya, instead guarding over the forests and the mysterious old temple.

They had never initiated any kind of battle, at the most taking on the form of a terrifying beast to scare away any outsiders who broke into their territory by accident.

Even the Elves who lived not far from them knew little of their kind. Perhaps the greatest of Goo`s intelligence could be seen in their residing within the deep expanses of the forests, living in peaceful harmony with the rest of the world.

Taking shelter in the ancient temple, Goos strove to hang on to their rationality and faith, to avoid becoming like those Dark Elves nearby who had fallen to its clutches.

But a deep and dark corruption spread into them and their forest home as the Abyss exerted its power.

Eudora was by no means unaware of Goo`s predicament.

At the end of the Moniyan soldier's writings she left a few sentences.

"The Abyss is a catastrophe. It strikes division among the factions, and breeds pure hatred. But maybe, just maybe, this is a chance for us: a chance for every soul across these lands to come together once more, to stand as one."

When the fates of all the peoples become interlinked together, where will the gentle Gloo head to next?

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