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[MLBB GUIDE] : Lesley's Guides & Tips by u/ntpswift

Co-Author with Redditor
u/ntpswift @Phuc Nguyen Thanh

Lesley is a Marksman hero in Mobile Legends Bang Bang.

* Unlike other MM which uses rapid attacks Lesley relies more on Criticals & high True Damage output.

* Lesley is best used as a late-game carry, as Lesley needs time to farm and build up her items.

* Each point of fixed Physical Penetration Lesley acquires is converted into 0.5% Critical Damage

Some Tips & Tricks on how to use Lesley:

  • * Use her passive skill, Lethal Shot, to your advantage. This skill allows Lesley to deal bonus True Damage to enemies.
  • * Lesley gains her passive by not taking damage for 5s or
  • * Everytime she casts her skills.

  • * Use her second skill, Tactical Grenade, to escape from danger by dashing backward and pushing the enemy away.

  • * Use her ultimate skill, Ultimate Snipe, to deal massive damage to enemies from a long distance. Usage of skill 2 right before any shot gave;
    • * Reset and gain Lesley Passive damage
    • * Position Lesley to avoid any hero in her line of fire.

* Skill 1 in Bush can hide your presence even from enemy in the same bush but Lesley still susceptible to AOE skills

* Skill 2 during Lesley Ultimate can reset her passive and also reposition her to avoid any hero blocking her line of fire

* Skill 3 have these special property to it;

  • * Your ultimate reduces the cooldown based on the number of remaining bullets, therefore, it is a good tool for checking vision.
  • * Hold skill 3 to check vision for longer, instead of just tapping continuously.
  • * Hold and drag to the target you want to shoot instead of tapping because it will automatically target the lowest-health target

Lesley Attack Strategy;

* Use bush if you able to. Once passive is active use basic attack.

* For Poking, use 1st skills to gains some distance and use another basic attack as the passive is resetted.

* If you’re going for the kill, use first skill to have better position and use basic attack, second skill fire to your back to chase or have better position and another basic attack.

* Observe the opponent HP
  • * Chase or if unable Use ultimate to secure the kill

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using Lesley

* Don't engage in early teamfights. Lesley is weak early game and will most likely lose in a fight.

* Don't overextend. Lesley is a squishy hero and can easily be killed if she is caught out of position.

* Don't forget to farm. Lesley needs items to deal damage, so make sure you are farming well.

Remember, Lesley requires careful play and positioning to be effective.

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