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How to Succesfully Counter Ling?

Mobile Legend (MLBB) Guide 2023 : How to Successfully Counter

"If you know the enemy and know yourself,
you need not fear the result of a hundred battles"

~ Sun Tzu

Well... imagine you just got 15-20 minute to spare, you login to Mobile Legend MLBB game, start Classic, 4 minutes in and had to go to help your MM gets gank then WHAM! Out of nowhere some dude jump off a wall to kill you, and yet you guess it - LING. Being an assassin that can strafe on top of wall, makes Ling one of the hero with high mobility and with that he able to sneak around undetected, easily catch opponents off guard. However, there is some effective strategies on how to counter Ling and turn the tables in our favor!

To do this successfully you need to understand Ling. He is;

☠ An Assassin

High Mobility with Unorthodox paths

☠ Suited as a Jungler

☠ Physical Attack that rely on critical and Attack Speed

☠ Has a moment of invincibility on his Ultimate skill

☠ If Controlled when on top of a wall he will fall and be slowed

☠ His Energy is replenish faster on the wall

Recommended Equipment to Counter Ling;

Once you understand then you can be prepared to face him, depending on your Role & Playstyle.

○ If you are an MARKSMAN (MM) consider Wind of Nature

○ If you are a MAGE consider Winter Truncheon

~the active skill is instantaneous and be it ambush or midst of a teamfight you will have enough time to activate it just be calm and maybe customize to enlarge the button.

~Keep in Mind the 2 second earned is a double edge sword. you're in luck if Ling wasted all his skill. If not, be prepare to fight back.

~~MM gains Attack Damage, Attack Speed and Lifesteal from Wind of Nature, enhance further with Rose Gold Meteor or Haas's Claw be aggressive and fight back if you can't outrun him

~~MAGE in the other hand form Winter Truncheon gain Magic damage, Physical defense & HP which extend your life a bit, so be ready with your CC skills.

○ For FIGHTERS and ASSASSINS, especially those relying on spell vamps and sustain, Queen's Wings can be a key item that further fortify your defense and spell vamp at lower health. depending on your emblem and skills you can choose to enhance the effect further or simply go for Blade Armor or Twilight Armor.

○ Tankier TANK or Fighter can fight back with Blade Armor as a core item and build their counter around that. Tanks have skills with CC effect which is deadly to Ling.

Strategy you can utilize against Ling is as any Assassin/Jungler counter,

✧ There's a small window to slow down the farming rate which Hero like Franco & Hilda can capitalize. and this can further enhance with your jungler to take the enemy other buff as Ling is occupied.
~ Bear in mind Ling with its mobility can easily intrude your jungle as well. take care of you buff too.

✧ Since Ling reliance on wall, Roamers with CC can positions themselves in bushes alongside the straight path to any target Ling might go.

✧ If you're face to face with Ling chances are the first attack from the wall with any attack effect he may have would struck high damage, your saving grace would be to utilize the surroundings like creeps/minions to perhaps alleviate the damage target.

✧ In Anticipation of his Ultimate, strategize your move so that once the area effect of his ultimate drop you are able to move away and Ling could grab as little swords aura from it. bushes can at time direct Ling attack to other creeps/minions your companions.

Ling shared a common trait all Assassins have which is low health in comparison to Fighters and Tanks. Also the pick-off and chasing ability. 1 on 1 with no way out your best bet is to be aggressive.

✧ Timed your skills, remember the 1.5 sec invincibility Ling has during activation of his Ultimate.

✧Naturally Ling would retreat in accordance to the wall pattern and as straight as they can. So if you are chasing or coming to help you can anticipate his exits. Provided you are not seen, else you can only limit his exits routes.

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